Play MPE er begejstret for at samarbejde med International Songwriting Competition (ISC).
New York Times erklærer, at ISC er “The Songwriting Competition to take note of” og vi giver dem ret og da Play MPE arbejder med at promovere musik udgivelser og artister, har vi indgået samarbejde med ISC.
Åben for både amatører og professionelle sangskrivere, er det ISC’s mission er at give dine sange mulighed for at blive hørt af veletablerede kunstnere og ledende profiler i musikbranchen. Derudover uddeler ISC mere end $150.000 i kontanter og præmier, der fordeles blandt 71 vindere i 23 musikgenrer.
Vi er glade for at kunne meddele, at ved at indsende dine sange i ISC 2020 – vil du automatisk være med i konkurrencen om at vinde en distributionskampagne med fuld service til promovering af musik via Play MPE!
Play MPE distribuerer musik til radio, medie og branchefolk i over 100 lande og det i et stort udvalg af formater og genrer. Med andre ord vil music supervisors, radioværter, presse og medie folk modtage din musik, når den udsendes gennem Play MPE.
Play MPE vil præmiere vinderne af The Grand Prize samt vinderne af 1. pladserne. Så hvis du ikke har indsendt din(e) sange til ISC endnu, så er det ikke for sent. Deadline er 4. november 2020.
Tidligere vindere er bl.a. Tones and I, The Band Perry, Kehlani, Bastille, Gotye, Vance Joy, For King & Country, Kimbra og mange flere
Dine sange vil blive bedømt af musikindustriens elite.
Blandt dommerne finder vi Coldplay, Dua Lipa, Bebe Rexha, Linkin Park, Tom Waits, G Herbo, Tanya Tucker, Robert Randolph, John Mayall, Cam, Lonnie Liston Smith, Kari Jobe, Laura Pausini, Kristian Bush (Sugarland), Camila, Margaret Cho m.fl, samt music industry Presidents and CEO’s som Jo Charrington (Co-President, Capitol Music Group (UK), Omar Grant (Co-President, Roc Nation Records Label), Afo Verde (Chairman & CEO, Sony Music Latin Iberia), Daniel Glass (President/Founder, Glassnote Records), & flere A&R folk hvis job det er at finde nye lovende artister & sange.
Vil du høre mere om hvad vi kan tilbyde hos Play MPE i forbindelse med promovering af dig som artist og dine musikudgivelser, så kontakt os gerne for mere information.
The New York Times declares that ISC is “the songwriting competition to take note of…” and well we just love playing our part in promoting music and artists. It’s why we’re here! Open to both amateur and professional songwriters, ISC’s mission is to provide an opportunity for your songs to be heard by celebrity artists and high-profile industry executives. Additionally, ISC gives away more than $150,000 in cash and prizes, shared by 71 winners in 23 music genres.
We are pleased to announce that by entering your songs in the ISC 2020 – you will automatically be in the running to win a full-service music promotion distribution campaign from Play MPE!
Play MPE distributes music to tastemakers in over 100 countries in a vast variety of formats and genres. This means radio programmers, music supervisors, playlisters, media and more will be the recipients of your music on a global scale!
Play MPE will be awarding the Grand Prize and First Place winners so If you haven’t entered your songs yet, get on it!
You could be the one joining past winners: Tones and I, The Band Perry, Kehlani, Bastille, Gotye, Vance Joy, For King & Country, Kimbra, and many more. Well that is some fine musical company!
Not only that but your songs will be judged by the elite of the music industry.
Judges include artists like Coldplay, Dua Lipa, Bebe Rexha, Linkin Park, Tom Waits, G Herbo, Tanya Tucker, Robert Randolph, John Mayall, Cam, Lonnie Liston Smith, Kari Jobe, Laura Pausini, Kristian Bush (Sugarland), Camila, Margaret Cho, and more, plus music industry Presidents and CEO’s like Jo Charrington (Co-President, Capitol Music Group (UK), Omar Grant (Co-President, Roc Nation Records Label), Afo Verde (Chairman & CEO, Sony Music Latin Iberia), Daniel Glass (President/Founder, Glassnote Records), and many A&R reps whose job it is to discover great artists and songs.