Photo: Ole Christiansen

✩ Self propelled fiery and communicator
✩ Music pro and executive since 1984
✩ General Management & Entrepreneurship
✩ Strategy and business development
✩ Music/entertainment and commerciality
✩ Artist, Product & Label Management
✩ Photographic, Graphic and Sound design enthusiast
✩ Sales and Marketing
✩ Publishing
✩ Wristbands, Lanyards, RFID & NFC



Operated in the Music Business since 1984 as Sales Representative, Project Manager, Managing Director, Publisher, Executive Producer and with focus on creative development of audio and visual products and releases. Keywords for technical skills: Administration, Production, Concerts, Festivals & Events, Wristbands, Advertising Agency, Immaterial Rights, Publishing, Record Label and International Music, Export/Import, Sales and Marketing and a substantial knowledge about contemporary music history.

Companies: PH Distribution, Kick Music, Kix Publishing, Service Records, ESP Recordings, Sony Music, Music Quay, Music2Deal, Play MPE, Nordic Wristbands.


IMG_5108✩ Selvkørende ildsjæl og kommunikatør
✩ Professionel i musikbranchen siden 1984
✩ Overordnet Management & Entrepreneur
✩ Strategi og forretningsudvikling
✩ Musik/underholdning og udformning/salg
✩ Artist, Produkt & Label Management
✩ Foto, Grafik og Lyd enthusiast
✩ Salg & Marketing og Publishing
✩ Armbånd, Lanyards, RFID & NFC

Arbejdet professionelt i musikbranchen siden 1984 som Salgs Repræsentant, Projekt Manager, Administrerende Direktør, Forlægger, Executive Producer m.m. med fokus på kreativ udvikling af audio og visuelle produkter og udgivelser. Nøgleord for tekniske færdigheder: Administration, Produktion, Koncerter, Festivaler og Events, Armbånd, Kampagner, Immaterielle Rettigheder, Forlag, Pladeselskab, International Musik, Export/Import, Salg & Marketing og en grundlæggende og tilbundsgående viden om musik og musik historie.

Selskaber: PH Distribution, Kick Music, Kix Publishing, Service Records, ESP Recordings, Sony Music, Music Quay, Music2Deal, Play MPE, Nordic Wristbands.