Jesper Ejrup feat. Talitha ‘Hold Me Tight’

Jesper Ejrup er aktuel med den nye single og smukke duet med Talitha ‘Hold Me Tight’. Tidligere på ugen blev den distribueret til radio, presse, Sverige medier og branche via Play MPE. Udgivelsen er også eksponeret på Daily Play MPE. 8. maj har udgives den officielt og kan streames og downloades/købes på diverse tjenester som Music, Spotify, Google Play, og Amazon. //\\ New single from Jesper Ejrup feat. Talitha in the beautiful duet ‘Hold Me Tight’. Earlier this week the release was distributed to radio, media, press and music executives through Play MPE. if you’re not among the recipients the release can also be found on Daily Play MPE. May 8. the release is official and can be streamed/downloaded from services like MUSIC, Spotify, Google …

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Lars DK ‘Hjerter på spil’

Grib chancen og luk kærligheden ind’, synger Lars DK på sit 3. single udspil. Dejlig opfordring og det endda i en veloplagt, swingende ørehænger skåret ind til benet og dansegulvet. Musikken er 100% håndspillet og det endda i fornem stil af nogle de dygtigste musikere i Skandinavien. Lars DK er en ofte benyttet session og live musiker af artister som Burhan G, Rugsted & Kreutzfeldt, Stig Rossen m.fl. ligesom han har optrådt i en lang række TV shows. Der tegner sig et billede af en utrolig alsidig musiker der kan sine genrer og formår at spille musik med hjertet. Apropos hjerte… En sen nattetime på vej hjem over Storebæltsbroen førte en snak med ven og kollega Bobo Moreno, til en gensidig udfordring; De skulle hver især, …

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Play MPE og Radio Promo

Kom forbi tirsdag den 24. September mellem kl 16-19 til en snak om promotion af musik udgivelser gennem Play MPE. Vil du høre mere om hvorledes du kan distribuere release, video, pressemeddelelse m.m. i one go og på en simpel og professionel måde (wav kvalitet) til radio, presse og øvrige medier samt evt. branchefolk, så kick forbi Music Quay, Reersøgade 6, st. th., København Ø tirsdag den 24. september kl. 16-19. Brent Vestergaard fra Play MPE i Vancouver er i København og vi vil gerne benytte lejligheden til at fortælle dig om nogle af de nye features i Play MPE. Med Play MPE kan du udsende musik til radio, presse, øvrige medier samt branchefolk i Skandinavien, USA, UK, Australien m.fl. Kom gerne forbi hvis du …

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Back from Sydney >>> Back to work

Back from Sydney and Circular Quay. Occasionally I get the question: “Why is your company called Music Quay?” Answer: “It’s actually inspired by my time, experiences and previous visits to Sydney and Circular Quay. A very busy place where ships and ferries come and go. Some set out for big adventures others do their routine and regular routes. They all have a steady Quay to return to and rely on, that’s the idea behind Music Quay as well. If you’re planning to record, release or even promote music to radio and media through Play MPE which I represent in Scandinavia, don’t hesitate to contact me.

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Nyt fra Søren Berlev

Berlev’s Rock ’n’ Roll Hotel spiller rock. Nogle gange hård rock, andre gange lidt blødere rock, somme tider syret og altid spækket med energi. Søren Berlev, den gamle trommeslager fra Gasolin, har arbejdet i flere år på at skrive nyt materiale og har samlet et band, der formår at formidle musikken videre på en levende, inddragende og musikalsk måde. Tjek det ud her //\\ Berlev’s Rock ’n’ Roll Hotel plays rock. Sometimes hard rock, other times more soft rock, certain times wild rock but always filled with energy. Søren Berlev, the old drummer of the biggest rock n roll band ever in Denmark and Scandinavia has been working several years to write new music and has gathered a band. Berlev’s Rock ’n’ Roll Hotel succeeds …

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Music Quay > Play MPE > Music2Deal > Nordic Wristbands

Brug for hjælp med product management, promotion af musik, pitching til music supervisors og andre musikbranche folk, adgangskontrol til din event, koncert eller festival, markedsføring af din “sag”, begivenhed eller firma? Så kan Music Quay, Play MPE, Music2Deal og Nordic Wristbands bistå med rådgivning og udførelse. Kontakt Michael Quvang for at høre nærmere. //\\ Need help with product management, music promotion, pitching to music supervisors,  music executives a.o., access control to your event, concert or festival, marketing of your “case”, event or company? If so, Music Quay, Play MPE, Music2Deal and Nordic Wristbands > all represented by Michael Quvang @ Music Quay will gladly help. Contact Michael Quvang for further info.

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Daily Play MPE

Professional Music Distribution to Radio, Press Media & International Music Supervisors and professionals. Når du udsender og distribuerer dine musik releases til radio, presse, medier via Play MPE vil din udgivelse også blive eksponeret på Dayli Play MPE ligesom den vil blive postet på Play MPE’s Facebook og Twitter sider. Kontakt os for yderligere info om Play MPE og hør nærmere om hvad vi kan gøre for dine udgivelser og musik. //\\ When you distribute your music releases to radio, press and media through Play MPE your release will also be exposed and promoted through Dayli Play MPE as well as it will be posted on Play MPE’s Facebook and Twitter pages. Contact us for further information.

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Robert Zephiro Milla ‘The Rain’ New Single send through Play MPE / Music Quay

The New Single ‘The Rain’ released May 19. This week ‘The Rain’ was serviced to Radio in all Nordic Countries as well as in Australia and New Zealand. Furthermore it was distributed to Global Music Bloggers and Music Supervisors and already now, based on the Play MPE statistics as well as direct approach from media, we can tell that the release has gained some very good interest out there. If you didn’t receive it through the Play MPE servicing but would like to get the download, please send your request here If you yourself as an artist or label would like to try out Play MPE eventually combined with other services provided by Music Quay, please don’t hesitate to contact us for further information.

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The Music Business Network Where labels, managers, producers, artists, songwriters and others in the industry connect 2 deal with music. 10.000 Proven Music Professionals > Connect with their Music Offers > Music offered by members //\\ Music Wants > Music wanted by members And make deals happen Join now for free

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